
From krokadock
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We believe in acting with consciousness and integrity in order to grow a peaceful and sustainable world.

We believe that appropriate risk taking is a doorway to trust in ourselves and others.

We believe that testing our limits helps us to develop vulnerability and compassion.

We believe in cultivating a direct relationship with the resources that sustain us: warmth, clothing, shelter, and nourishment.

We believe that the deepest gifts of wild places are best found through rigorous, extended self-sufficient expeditions.

We believe that living in community challenges us to awaken our best selves.

We believe in the just distribution of resources, and that every young person who wishes to join our community, should have the opportunity to do so.

We embrace discomfort and the opportunity at hand: we don’t portage if we can paddle.

We live simply, we work hard, we celebrate, we sing, and we hold reverence for all of life.