Eating on Campus

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EATING WITH STUDENTS: If a Kroka meal is being prepared and shared with students in the Kroka village or farmhouse, staff who wish to engage socially and educationally with the students are welcome to ask the program instructors for permission to join in the meal.

PERSONAL STORAGE: Kroka food many not be taken and stored in personal spaces outside of the Farmhouse for personal consumption.

SNACKS: Snacks between meals may sometimes be served in the farmhouse by the Food Manager, however staff who may need more personal snacks are encouraged to purchase and store their own snack items in rodent-proof containers.

FARMHOUSE STORAGE: Any personal food stored in the Kroka farmhouse must be clearly labeled with your name.

PROGRAMS: Seasonal staff who are assigned to a program will eat all meals with students.


From June 1st through August 21st, Kroka meals are served in the Farmhouse kitchen every day of the week at the following times:

Served     Concluded
Breakfast 8:00 AM 8:45 AM
Lunch 12:30 PM 1:15 PM
Dinner 6:00 PM 6:45 PM

Saturday dinners will be served in the village during the 8 summer weeks.

Any staff member may attend a Kroka meal on any day you are on campus, whether or not you are working that day. If you are going to miss a meal, it is your responsibility to find someone to set aside food for you.

The Kroka kitchen is not available for personal food preparation.

When available, snacks will be served on the meal counter once or twice per day. These are available on a first-come, first served basis.

We recommend that you purchase your own personal supply of snacks to get you through the times when no snacks are available in the Farmhouse.

When you are assigned to a program you are expected to eat all meals with your students in the village or on expedition.

The kitchen will close each night after dinner dishes are done until breakfast preparation begins the next morning. Please respect this rule.

Day off meals

You are welcome to join Kroka meals on your day off, however we cannot accommodate preparation of your own meals in the Kroka kitchen. If you are departing campus for your day off and would like to take food with you, you must check with the Food Manager in advance and be prepared that the answer may be “no”.

Personal food storage

The Food Manager will designate one shelf in the Farmhouse walk-in for personal food storage. No personal food may be stored elsewhere in the walk-in cooler, food room or kitchen. Unfortunately there is no freezer space available for personal food storage. Please label all personal food with your name. Outdated, moldy or unlabeled items will be disposed of at the discretion of the Food Manager.

Guest meals

Kroka staff wishing to bring guests to meals should notify the kitchen a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Please note that Kroka may not be able to accommodate the dietary needs of guests. Staff with dependent children are welcome to bring their children to any meal.

Coffee & tea

Kroka will serve coffee each morning with breakfast service. Staff wishing to drink additional coffee throughout the day should purchase their own coffee and may brew small batches using the french press (available at the tea counter).

Kroka will provide black tea bags and one or two flavors of herbal tea when available. Tea drinkers, please supply the tea station with your favorite teas for community use!

Milk is provided for coffee and tea. Local raw milk costs $14 per gallon and is not always available. If you would like milk for drinking or making hot chocolate, please purchase and use your own.

Thank you for being respectful of these expensive and precious resources!

Personal baking and specialty meal preparation

We appreciate your impulse to cook or bake in the evenings or on your days off. Unfortunately for the 10-week summer season we cannot accommodate personal baking or specialty meal preparation using Kroka ingredients or spaces. If you are missing a certain sweet treat, please talk to the food team!

Food packout spaces

Kroka food in the walk-in cooler, freezers, and food room is for expedition pack-out only and may not be taken for personal consumption. Please respect these spaces. Please note that the root cellar is exclusively for use by the food manager. DO NOT take anything from the root cellar!

  1. Kitchen suggestions & meal requests

The kitchen welcomes your suggestions, meal requests, and positive feedback for our hardworking team! There is a suggestion box located in the kitchen window. Please note that this box does not accept constructive feedback or gripes.

Thank you for your support and understanding. It is a lot of work to feed so many mouths and cooking meal after meal is often a thankless job. Your cooperation helps keep the morale of the kitchen staff high.



On busy days (when five or more people are doing chores), a farmhouse chore breakfast may be prepared and served by someone as part of the morning chore work… with the assumption that only those people doing chores will attend the “chore” breakfast. This chore breakfast can be prepared in the farmhouse kitchen, using Kroka food, and following the breakfast menu published by the food manager.

On quiet days (fewer than five people doing chores), all people are responsible for preparing their own breakfast (not during chore time). People who participated in morning chores can prepare breakfast in the farmhouse using Kroka food. People who did not do chores are asked to prepare and enjoy their own (personal) food in their own dwelling.


If a Kroka meal is being prepared by the food manager, all people working on campus (including chores) that day are welcome to share in it.

If a Kroka meal is not being prepared by the food manager, people may prepare their own meals in the farmhouse kitchen, using only personal ingredients (or occasionally Kroka ingredients that are made available in writing by the food manager).